news july 2012 :: music for movies

al hadaf by munir abbar :: music by christian meyer

al hadaf- the target
by munir abbar :: music christian meyer


errors of the human body – teaser
by eron sheean :: music by christian meyer



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mb viano the experiments

4 experiments with 4 special musical tracks and sound design
plesase check all 4 of them

and the interacive experience

mb viano behind fascination

an interactive experience
music and sound by christian meyer

meyermal reboot

the new webpage is up!

thank you to
delphine balle concept and interface
jonathan mullins web developement

errors of the human body

music and soundscape for errors of the human body – trailer

retro electronics

retro-electronics with the ms 20 creating some sounds for the scoring of the movie errors by eron sheean

die klappe

sounddesign for caritas is on the shortlist for best sounddesign at ‘die klappe’ in hamburg


recording guitar, voice, sonours, sansula, delay & reverb

friendly fire

“friendly fire” – “zjarri miqësor”
baleti i kosoves
koreografia: arthur kuggeleyn
muzika: christian meyer


opening 14.10.1011

client: european parliament
project: 360° video- sound-installation “daily life europe”
production: markenfilm crossing gmbh
director: marko thorhauer
producer: niels klamroth