cnft awards hymn – making of
music by christian meyer recorded with the german film orchestra babelsberg orchestrator max knoth mixed at riverside […]
chiharu shiota’s “i hope…” in concert with ulrike haage & christian meyer
a concert in chiharu shiota’s installation at könig galerie, st. agnes, berlin
haage meyer dawn Ulrike Haage, composer, pianist, sound artist & radio play author, is one of the most […]
live recording at meistersaal am potsdamer platz, berlin oliver friedrich ::: drums komi mizrajim togbonou :: bass […]
as if nothing had happened
45 min live impro with guitar, voice, sonours, sansula, delay & reverb 7th of february 2012, berlin
mosermeyer einstürzende neubauten tour 2010
an evening with einstürzende neubauten and mosermeyer in stockholm 6th of november 2010 thank you alex picha
the wind takes it all away
track based on the colours red blue and yellow transposed into audible frequencies
filling the void
filling_the_void is based on recordings of electromagnetic waves captured by scientific instruments in space. For scientific studies […]
travelling without leaving
video by philipp wittulksy for a travelling without leaving from the album within
autumn run
autumn run was recorded in 2005 with a solo release of the track mama on pale’s berlin […]